Communications, UX, Speaking and More

Human-Computer Interaction academic papers

2,500+ articles and 200+ video reports; all media types: online, radio, television, print, magazines

Editor, proofreader, writer: all types of content including blogs, one-pagers, website copy, internal comms, etc.
I am drawn to research because it can impact user experience, offer a new perspective or lead to a novel solution. I enjoy conducting research experiments, finding related works, analyzing and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data, and writing up the findings to get others excited by whatever was learned.
First Author
Viva Sarah Press and Hadas Erel. 2022. Designing Non-Verbal Humorous Gestures for a Non-Humanoid Robot. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI EA '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 434, 1–7.
First Author
Viva Sarah Press and Hadas Erel. 2023. Humorous Robotic Behavior as a New Approach to Mitigating Social Awkwardness. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), April 23--28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
Second Author
Zuckerman, O., Press, V. S., Barda, E., Megidish, B., & Erel, H. (2022, April). Tangible Collaboration: A Human-Centered Approach for Sharing Control With an Actuated-Interface. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-13).
Contributing Author
Israel: It's Complicated, Publisher Behrman House, 2019 ISBN0874419824, 9780874419825 Length104 pages, Viva Sarah Press, (Contributor), Deborah Bodin Cohen (Contributor), Irit Levin (Contributor)

I love telling stories and the impact they can make.
I have held senior editorial positions in newspaper journalism, broadcast (TV & radio) journalism and online journalism.
I have covered general news, wars, politics, health, entertainment, social action, and innovation.
I have published 2,500+ articles and 200+ video reports.
My articles include:
Fashion content builds brand awareness, creates trends and tells a story about the clothing or the wearer. Social media platforms are brimming with users posting fashion content on their feeds.
For Israeli investors and entrepreneurs, a fundamental shift toward a growth mindset, the penchant of seasoned serial entrepreneurs to mentor a new generation of startup founders, and a shared sense of responsibility are the main reasons behind the country’s recent scale-up prowess. Scalability is the focus amid a rush of capital into Israeli startups and companies, and a critical mass of billion-dollar tech companies, or unicorns, that have flourished in Israel.
The global transportation industry is in dire need of innovation and Israeli startups are navigating their way to become leading suppliers of next-generation technologies in this rapidly changing ecosystem.
Do you know the difference between THC and CBD? How about tinctures versus extracts? And what exactly is a terpene, anyway?
The maintenance-free cardboard wheelchair, weighing eight or nine kilograms (less than 20 pounds), can withstand water and humidity, and can carry riders weighing up to 400 pounds. It is even cheaper and simpler to create than the cardboard bicycle.
Israeli research is credited with making the study of cannabis legitimate in the international scientific community. It has also widely accepted that this evidence-based research by Hebrew-speaking scientists propelled 29 US States to legalize medical marijuana. Israel’s reputation in pharmaceutical development and biotechnology is also globally recognized. Copaxone, Provigil, Azilect, Qvar, and a host of other brands all trace back to this Middle Eastern country.
Tel Aviv life is about adoring the beach, enjoying the outdoors, lingering with friends over coffee, rubbing shoulders with strangers at a market and being open to trying new foods. It is about watching the sunset, strolling along a boulevard or the beach promenade and, if you’re young at heart, going out until the early hours of tomorrow.
Beersheva’s biggest optimists can be found in the two office buildings at the Gav-Yam Negev ATP, over a footbridge leading to the Goodman University North train station and the university. The mission of the ATP – a public-private partnership between the government, the university, the municipality and KUD International developers — is to “promote technology and commercialization of cutting-edge research and innovation being developed through BGU and affiliate institutions such as the Soroka University Medical Center and the National Institute of Biotechnology in the Negev.”
The fun drawings of Vladimir Lenin in a black studded jacket, Margaret Thatcher in a leopard-print strapless bra peeping through a white tank top, and Mahatma Gandhi wearing a tie-dye shirt and Sixties-style shades all came about thanks to a guy who could have been Herzl’s doppelganger.
The novel coronavirus outbreak, however, has split families. The effects of government shutdowns are innumerable. On a personal level, this virus has made the physical distance between my family in Israel and my family in North America much more real.