Communications, UX, Speaking and More
"Sobering but inspiring look into life in Israel at this critical moment in history."
Susan Rizzo
Director of Education,
Temple Sinai, Rochester, NY
"Viva Press gives an inside look at life in Israel during these horrific times. She shows us the resiliency, innovation, and commitment of Israelis to each other, to their values, and to the State of Israel. Truly a presentation not to be missed.”
Judy Abelman
Rochester, NY
Feedback for "Stories of Resilience"
“Viva’s direct experience and excellent account of the bravery of Israeli citizens is inspiring! She should be heard by all in the diaspora.”
Judith Farb
Na'amat Canada, Toronto's Club
Feedback for "Stories of Resilience"
"On stage, Viva Sarah Press demonstrates a commanding and compelling grasp of Israeli technology and innovation and the ways they influence and impact a broader global society. She is a skilled storyteller who is able to turn complex narratives into relatable anecdotes that both engage the audience and leave people eager to hear more. Her wealth of experience and expertise is complemented by her dry wit and straightforward approach, all of which make her the perfect panelist or keynote speaker for any audience or occasion."
Alison Goldstein Lebovitz
PBS host,
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
"Viva Sarah Press joined Jewish National Fund’s Women for Israel Annual Luncheon in South Florida. The women came away commenting she was one of the most dynamic and interesting speakers they had heard in a long time! She gave a unique and entertaining perspective on Women, Innovation and Business intertwining great personal stories. Viva has a wealth of knowledge on this topic as well as giving a wonderful Positively Israel message that would be great for any group!"
Laura Sherry & Lee Lebovich
Palm Beach County,
Jewish National Fund
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
Viva Sarah Press has joined National Women’s Philanthropy on two occasions. We first met Viva on the Heart to Heart 9 Mission to Israel when she lead a discussion and small group conversations for 100 women on Women in Innovation and Technology. We knew we had to invite Viva back—we needed to learn more from her! So, Viva joined us in Florida at the 2019 International Lion of Judah Conference where she moderated a panel session on “The Amazing Adventures of Female Jewish Innovators” for 1,400 conference attendees. Viva is a pleasure to work with and is insightful, organized, responsive, and hilarious! I highly recommend her to speak on a diverse range of topics including Israel, women, innovation, technology, and more! She is a skilled moderator, conversationalist, panelist, presenter, and more!
Sarah Fels
Program Manager,
The Jewish Federations of North America, New York, NY
Feedback for "Women in Innovation"
"In early December, the Women’s Cabinet of the UJFT invited the women of the community to a PLUS ONE engagement event featuring Israeli journalist and blogger Viva Sarah Press, who presented to a standing room only crowd at the Sandler Family Campus. To quote an overheard remark made by a few of the participants: “She was a ROCK STAR!” Press wowed the audience with her presentation on high-tech medical advances coming out of Israel today."
Amy Zelenka
UJFT Women’s Campaign Director
Norfolk, Virginia
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
“Fascinating to hear what is going on inside Israel. What we don’t hear on the news - replete with graphics, photos, actual WhatsApp messages. Thought provoking and excellently communicated,”
Janie Goldstein
Special Advisor to the Dean, Toronto Metropolitan University
“Viva's presentation was engaging, poignant and informative. It was a great way to get a sense of what life is like in Israel right now and how we can help."
Rabbi Laurence W. Groffman
Temple Sholom of West Essex, NJ
Feedback for "Stories of Resilience"
"Viva is very knowledgeable and has a wealth of experience covering the start-up scene and entrepreneurial culture in Israel. She is a fantastic speaker who captivates the audience and provides phenomenal content and perspective."
Michael Eglash
Upstart Ideas, Israel
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
"For those seeking a different perspective on contemporary Israel than the one which usually makes the headlines, Viva Press provides it. Our community very much enjoyed hearing about all the amazing high-tech advances that have made Israel into a "start-up" nation. Viva's engaging presentation style helped make accessible to our community the complex technologies that form the core of her expertise."
Rabbi Ed Elkin
First Narayever Congregation, Toronto, Canada
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
"We heard exactly what happened on October 7; how Israeli ingenuity & innovation & resilience kicked in. It was told in a straightforward manner that imparted both the horror & heroism. Brilliant in both its delivery and information."
Cheryl Levick
Richmond Hill, Canada
Feedback for "Stories of Resilience"
"Viva was our third and final speaker in our annual Israel Speaker series last year; Ari Shavit and David Horovitz were here earlier in the year. Her material was compelling, she was engaging and it was a perfect way to finish off the series and a superb way to highlight Israel."
Rabbi Debbi Till
Rochester, New York, USA
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
"ויוה עזרה לי המון בהכנה לפרזנטציה בכנס בינלאומי שבו הצגתי בפעם הראשונה. לאורך בניית המצגת והאימונים של ההצגה עצמה, ויוה נתנה לי המון טיפים מועילים אשר בסופו של דבר עזרו לי להרגיש בטוחה ובנוח עם התוכן שאני מעבירה, היא ידעה לזהות ברגישות רבה מהן החולשות שלי ואיך ניתן לחזק אותן ואפילו להתגבר עליהן.
אני בטוחה שהמצגת שלי הייתה נראת אחרת ומרגישה אחרת ללא ויוה. קיבלתי ממנה המון ביטחון ותמיכה לצד מקצועיות שלא מתפשרת."
Adi ManorUser Experience Researcher at miLab | Project Manager at the school of Communication, RUNI
Feedback for "Presentation Training"
“Viva expressed the ‘down to earth’ in a way that we could imagine life in Tel Aviv today. We, in the diaspora, need the ‘true story’.”
Annette Traub
President, Na’amat Canada - Hamilton
"Viva is a remarkable speaker!
I have attended two of her talks - one for adults and another for teens. Her style is highly engaging and her materials are relevant, audience-specific, on-point and contemporary. She is absolutely riveting!"
Diane Friedman
Co-chair, King David High School PAC, Vancouver, Canada
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
"Our synagogue had the opportunity to learn with Viva over Zoom during the Covid-19 shutdown. Her presentation was excellent and compelling. She was insightful and engaging. The congregants loved her material and presentation style. It was a great use of technology. Thank you, Viva."
Rabbi Jonathan Infeld
Congregation Beth Israel, Vancouver, Canada
Feedback for "Innovation Stories"
"Viva's presentation was honest and gave insight to daily life and the connections we have as Jews to one another. I loved hearing about how beautifully the communities come together to support one another at such a tragic time. Honouring the death of our soldiers was incredible to learn about. I never knew everyone holds their flags as they pass."
Karen White
Na'amat Toronto, Canada
Feedback for "Stories of Resilience"
“A real-time look inside Israel from a first-rate communicator.”
Ed Muszynski
Temple Sinai
Rochester, NY
Feedback for "Stories of Resilience"
“Viva brought Israel into OUR living rooms and we were able to live firsthand the horror this country is now enduring!!”
Gene Schwartz
Temple Sinai
Rochester, New York, USA
Feedback for "Stories of Resilience"

Viva is a dynamic, creative, multi-talented and trusted coworker who truly has her finger on the pulse of everything innovative happening in Israel. She's a pleasure to work with and a font of good ideas and contacts. That she is bilingual also helps put her ahead of the pack.
Ma'aleh Adumim, Israel

I have worked with Viva on several projects dealing with content editing and was very satisfied with the results. Viva is highly professional, very kind and precise, always taking into account the wider context of things. I had a pleasure working with her and I will be happy to work with her in the future.
Tel Aviv, Israel

Viva is a top-notch writer with vast, thorough knowledge of the Israeli tech scene. Her pieces cover a lot of ground and reflect the depth of her understanding of the startup ecosystem, both the positive and the negative. I always learn something new when reading her articles. It is a pleasure working with such a pro.
Ricky Ben-David, Journalist and Editor

Viva has a high-priority spot in my phone favorite contacts list. I can always count on her to take on content writing, editing and proofreading projects with professionalism and enthusiasm. Viva has helped me with a range of assignments in different industries, always able to jump in quickly, understand what’s expected and deliver with excellence – just what you’d expect from an all-around multi-talented pro!
Sharon Farber, Content Director
Correct Me If I'm Wrong, Ra'anana