For today's family 'coronavirus creativity' activity, we "wrote" a story together.
Using book titles only.
All authors got equal treatment.
William Shakespeare, Raina Telgemeier and Jez Alborough, Maurice Sendak and Kazuo Ishiguro. Ben Hatke and Judd Winick, Yasmina Khadra and Rick Riordan.
Finding verbs was difficult. Robert Munsch and Mo Willems turned out to be our best connectors.
Teamwork and complimenting one another on ideas took some effort.
But best of all, when we were done taking photos with our story, the kids “remembered" that there were books in the pile — and in the pile of unused titles — that they wanted to re-read. Our story:
The Attack: March of the Mini Beasts.
Watch out! Big Bro's Coming! Giants Beware! Alligators All Around Ghosts.
Binky the Space Cat, I Am Going! Never Let Me Go, Mighty Jack. I Have To Go, To Save A Shattered World. Zoom! Down Aisle Ten.
The Lost Hero, Saving the Whole Wide World. Then Everything Went Wrong. The Sky is Falling. The Great Big Boom. Where's My Teddy? Captain Awesome To The Rescue! Much Ado About Nothing. I Will Take A Nap.
Big thanks to all the amazing authors!
PS We were inspired by something sent around on social media and tried our own version. Not as easy as it looks.
