Someone will write a blog for you for just $10.
It may be an amazing blog post and it may not be.
I am of the opinion that the cost of a blog post depends on the worth of a blog post.
What is the blog worth to your company?
Every blog post I write is well-researched and skillfully written. My goal is to leverage your story and help generate revenue.
How I write a blog post:
· Research: With extensive editorial experience as a journalist and content writer, I begin each new gig with research. Sure, I read the materials sent to me (if this is the case), but I also investigate other sources. I may request to interview someone in the company for better understanding of the topic/message.
· Original copy: I will never plagiarize someone else’s copy. In short, that means the client will not be sued for publishing someone else’s work.
· SEO: I’m always on the lookout for SEO keywords, long tail keywords, and phrases. I find that competition sites tend to offer great ideas.
· Tone: I adapt my writing to your tone, your brand, your audience. If you’d like your blog to include text that is exciting and casual, scientific and serious, concise and persuasive, I will write accordingly.
· Editorial: I write and craft every post or article to the best of my ability. I employ professional editing services including fact-checking, proofing, spelling, etc.
The corporate blogging world offers a learning experience like no other of different sectors. To date, I have blogged in the fields of pharma, nutritional supplements, health, cyber, travel, education, tech, environment, design, and culture.
I write blog posts as short as 200 words and as long as 1,200 words.
I charge according to my skills: I charge by the hour, I charge per blog, I charge according to a project, and, if necessary, I charge by the word.
I searched the web to see how my rates compare.
This blog by Lacy Boggs is a great read on the reasons for hiring someone with professional experience.
This blog by Michael Brenner offers an insightful view on blog posts as a source for ROI.
I am always happy to add new clients. Feel free to reach out: vspress(at)