The 13-year old kid has decided to read the Harry Potter series.
I’m all in favor. I’ve been promoting this idea since she was in third grade.
Only now, she caught the bug.
And she likes to discuss the plot lines. I have read the books countless times. Yep, I’m a fan.
But I cannot remember all the details. And she wants to discuss them.
So, I’ve started to read the series again – to be able to hold detailed discussions with her.
The same goes for all the kids.
When her 13-year old twin read The Giver last year, I, too, read the young adult dystopian novel by Lois Lowry. It wasn’t my first time reading it. But again, I had forgotten some of the details.
It’s like we have a family book club.
When the kids were young, I read to them. I chose the books.
Now that they’re older, and reading for themselves, they’re choosing (or, their teachers are choosing) what we read.
Of course, I still have my own library selection of what to read. I still recommend books to them.
But I’m just as happy to read with them.
Reading with them – we each have our own copy – gives me a footing in their world.
I don’t know how long it will last. But I’m enjoying it while they still invite me to share in their world of thought.