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A chat about reporting on the creative culture in Israel

Viva Sarah Press

Started the morning with a chat about what it's like to Report on the Innovation and Creative Culture in Israel with a visiting delegation of prominent military and business leaders from the US. The visiting VIPs were brought to Israel by Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) organization.

We looked at how journalism has changed, how innovation has become more accessible and why Israel is a good place to look for new ideas.

I talked about the importance of Innovation Journalism -- telling the whole story of how a technology can change an industry -- as opposed to old-school business news articles on one specific technology or company.

Innovation affects everyone and so everyone wants to hear about innovation.

The group had been hopping between car-tech startups but hadn't heard the whole story of Israel's adventures in the automotive arena. So, we Googled the Susita, read about its failures, talked about the country's fail-forward culture, and looked at Better Place. Next came the story of Mobileye, how the idea went from oddball reports to headline news. And then we touched on where the car industry was going next: hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Our chat also touched on cybersecurity, space, adapting tech from one arena to another, military tech in the medical field, medical marijuana, blockchain and more.

There were questions and answers, explanations and stories.

Hearing stories and being able to converse about them brings a new dimension to knowing what's happening.

And this is why I love sharing the information I write about with groups.

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