I have created something I like to call, ‘oral journalism.’ It is a mashup of speaking and journalism.
It is one thing for people to read an article or hear a report on the radio.

It is a completely different experience to hear the bigger picture, understand the context, and have a meaningful discussion.
I love sharing my knowledge with others. I equally love learning about new topics.
So far, I have been very fortunate to give talks and meet with groups in Israel, Canada and the US.
I have spoken to business people and medical professionals, university students and non-profit organizations, synagogue groups and community activists, school kids and security personnel.
The feedback has been amazing. Even more importantly, the group dynamics encourage me.
I have encountered naysayers along the way, as is par for the course. One former manager made it clear to me that I should not continue giving these talks because it was not my job, as a journalist, to do so.
I am still a journalist but not just. I am also a content editor and writer but not just.
I am an oral journalism storyteller and speaker as well. This is what I really love most right now. To share, with as many people as possible, the stories I know.